地址: 14-16 Sea Front | Hayling Island, PO11 9HL, England 营业时间:暂无 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们 更多热门餐馆 全部餐馆 The Ferryboat Inn 26条点评 距离4.32km Seaview Fish & Chips 0条点评 距离1.50km Meadow Farm Nursery & Tea Room 0条点评 距离3.60km The...
Hayling Island Library 0条点评 距离1288.0km 旅游攻略导航 海灵岛旅游攻略指南? 携程攻略社区! 靠谱的旅游攻略平台,最佳的海灵岛自助游、自由行、自驾游、跟团旅线路,海量海灵岛旅游景点图片、游记、交通、美食、购物、住宿、娱乐、行程、指南等旅游攻略信息,了解更多海灵岛旅游信息就来携程旅游攻略。
I then walked 400m to the train station and caught the 06:17 train to Havant, here I alighted and walked the short distance to the bus station and caught the 06:40 #30 bus to Hayling Island where I got off the bus at the Ship Inn. I set off walking along the Solent Way, which...