The shore of a sea or ocean. (动) As a verb Move effortlessly; by force of gravity. Hyphenation coast Part of Speech (名) noun, (动) verb, (不及物的动) intransitive verb Matching Results 海岸 hǎi'àn coastal; seacoast 海滨 hǎibīn shore; seaside 沿海地区 yánhǎi dìqū coast...
As a verb, tocoastoften means to travel forward using onlymomentum, as opposed to an external form ofpropulsion. For example, when youcoastin a car, you keep moving without pushing down on the accelerator pedal (that is, you don’t use the motor to propel the car). When youcoaston a...
A slope down which sleds may coast. The shore of a sea or ocean. Chinese synonyms: 沿岸, 岸, 海滨, 海岸 Synonyms: sea-coast, seacoast, seashore(动) As a verb Move effortlessly; by force of gravity. New Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or more Chinese characters or pinyin...
a pretty stretch ofcoast 一段美丽的海岸线 牛津词典 thecoastroad 滨海道路 牛津词典 As soon as thecoastwas clear he climbed in through the window. 等到四下无人,他便从窗户爬了进去。 牛津词典 The carcoastedalong until it stopped. 汽车随惯性而下直至滑行停止。
verb to travel downhill (in a vehicle, on a bicycle etc) without the use of any power such as the engine or pedalling. He coasted for two miles after the car ran out of en punto muertoˈcoastal adjective of or near the coast. a coastal town.costeroˈcoaster noun 1....
Amongst the senses of the French word little represented in English is ‘hillside, slope’; it was however adopted in North America for a ‘slope down which one slides on a sledge’, and came to be used in the mid 19th century as a verb meaning ‘sledge down such a slope’. That was...
As we drew closer to the system I cut the engines and let the Moonshadow coast the rest of the way in. The impact had also apparently jarred the engine of my car, as it would not restart; it coasted to a stop at the exit at the bottom of the hill. There was a gas station a...
verb to travel downhill (in a vehicle, on a bicycle etc) without the use of any power such as the engine or pedalling. He coasted for two miles after the car ran out of en punto muertoˈcoastal adjective of or near the coast. a coastal town.costeroˈcoaster noun 1....
Also picked up as the verb for a prostitute's solicitation of a customer (1812). Related: Accosted; accosting. Infamous houses, he states, are in all parts of the metropolis, but most numerous in small streets, leading from public thoroughfares. "Some of them adjoin churches, chapels, ...
9 Pathian Jehova rawngbâwlnaa inhman lehzual châkna rêng nei lovin, a ṭûl chin chauh tih mai chu duh tâwk ta ila, engtin nge ni ang? jw2019 Upon graduation I received an assignment to the Gold Coast, now known as Ghana. Ka graduate chuan Gold Coast, tûna Ghana...