Individual soil particles are not of course spherical but for most coarser-grained soils, except those containing quantities of micaceous material, the particles are nearly equidimensional and when the particles are matched against sieves of known aperture sizes a satisfactory estimate of the amounts ...
coarse grained a. 木纹粗糙的,粗鲁的,粗俗的 coarse haired n. 刚毛鼠属 grained 【构词成分】 (构成形容词)表示"...粒状的","具...纹理的"(如:fine-grained) coarse a. 1.粗的,粗糙的 2.供做粗活用的,普遍的 3.粗劣的,质差的 4.粗俗的,粗鲁的;猥亵的 grained a. 有木纹的,漆成木纹的...
As a result of these postglacial processes, temporal lakes form, and thus lacustrine fine-grained sedimentation intercalates with alluvial coarse-grained layers. 由于这些冰河期以后的过程,形成了临时湖泊,因此,湖相细颗粒沉积与冲积粗颗粒层穿插互层。 springer ...
Recent discoveries into how certain marine organisms produce their skeletons has provided inspiration for a new treatment method for creating cementation in both fine and coarse-grained soils. The silicification method offers environmental and physical advantages over some traditional methods by utilizing non...
6) Coarse and fine fractions 粗细粒级补充资料:粗粒 分子式:CAS号:性质:大气中颗粒物(或气溶胶)的粒径大于2μm(有时用大于2.5μm)的颗粒。粗粒模粒子属此。来源于自然界风沙和森林火灾产生的颗粒以及火山灰、海盐粒子等;人类活动的来源主要有工业生产和燃烧过程直接排放的颗粒物,它们绝大多数为一次颗粒物...
The lower part of the section consists of cross-bedded, fine to medium sandstone, with scattered coarse-to very coarse-grained particles. The percentage of coarse-grained materials in the soil affects the strength and compressibility of the wall. It's very finely-layered and very coarse-grained...
网络粗调和细调 网络释义 1. 粗调和细调 在上变频器中(参阅 AD9862 的 Datasheet 的图3所示),它分裂复合乘积(的信号)为两部分 -粗调和细调(coarse and fine…|基于2个网页 释义: 全部,粗调和细调
Peridotite is a coarse-grained, igneous rock. Linen is a coarse-grained fabric.亚麻布是一种质地粗糙的布料。 Compare fine-grained The locally produced cocoa was a bit coarse-grained but otherwise good. I prefer coarse-grained salt to fine-grained. ...
Difference Between Fine Grained Soil and Coarse Grained Soil. 15 related questions found What is the best soil texture? The ideal soil texture is a mix of sand, silt, and clay particles, known asa loam. In most cases the particles will not be balanced, and the soil will need to be alte...
2.coarse-grained- not having a fine texture; "coarse-grained wood"; "large-grained sand" large-grained coarse,harsh- of textures that are rough to the touch or substances consisting of relatively large particles; "coarse meal"; "coarse sand"; "a coarse weave" ...