Mining in the Witbank Coalfield commenced at the turn of the century. Initially there was little environmental degradation associated with mining activities, but in the late 1930's and early 1940's a pillar robbing programme commenced. At one particular mine this has had a marked effect on the...
98/02423 The environmental impacts associated with a coal mine in the Witbank Coalfield, Republic of South Africadoi:10.1016/S0140-6701(98)80610-3ELSEVIERFuel and Energy Abstracts
Some factors to consider when selecting mining equipment for a typical opencast coal mine in the Witbank areadoi:10.1016/0148-9062(89)90867-XSDOSInternational Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts
In the Karoo coalfields, mining operations that release acid mine drainage (AMD) are threatening groundwater resources. An important parameter controlling the extent and severity of AMD impact is the natural attenuation of rocks in response to AMD. Very little is known about such response of ...
In the Karoo coalfields, mining operations that release acid mine drainage (AMD) are threatening groundwater resources. An important parameter controlling the extent and severity of AMD impact is the natural attenuation of rocks in response to AMD. Very little is known about such response of ...
The research involves formulating a methodology to automatically map surface acid mine drainage pollutant sources using remote sensing in support of environmental and coal discard management in the Witbank, Ermelo and Highveld coalfields. The spectral uniqueness of acid mine drainage-generated secondary ...