Mining for coal and other soil-based resources represents a particularly abrupt and disruptive land use change, with extensive off-site impacts that tend to expand over time (“spill-over effects”). An example is off-site deforestation to produce charcoal needed for iron ore processing and steel...
Coal mining is a major cause of land-use change in the US, and according to the Energy Information Administration it is expected to remain a key part of the national electricity portfolio until at least 2040. It is therefore crucial to understand the env
UK: Cambridge University Press. Google Scholar AutoNavi, Google MapKing. Zhonghuarenmin Gongheguo Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu Shizhuishanshi 13 shijian 39 fen Zhengzhou, Henan, China. In Google MapKing, Accessed 23 February 2013.
advanced countries such as China, the USA, the UK, and Australia to the neglect of developing nations, leaving a significant vacuum in the literature. (iv) There are more major safety principles in the food business than in the mining industry, indicating a weak safety culture in the mining... (2018) (Accessed: 15/03/2018) Google Scholar Bloodworth et al., 2000 A.J. Bloodworth, D.J. Harrison, D.G. Cameron, S. Holloway, K.A. Linley, E. Hough Northumberland Tyne and wear mineral resources (map) scale 1:100,000 Britis...
Fig. 7b shows the EDX maps of cross section of T92 covered in deposit D1. Sulphur was found deep within the scale as elements from the deposits had infiltrated the scale during exposure. Chromium was enriched in the inner (spinel) oxide layer in a multi-layered arrangement and sodium and...
a. State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining, and College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining &Technology, Beijing 100083, China; b. School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Cardiff University, Museum Avenue, Cardiff CF10 3YE, UK; c. Guangdong ...
Mamurekli D (2010) Environmental impacts of coal mining and coal utilization in the UK. 15 Acta Montanistica Slovaca Ročník 15(2):134–144. ...
Mining of coal around the world is being continued to meet the ever-growing energy demand. Mining involves extensive clearing of ground cover, change in physiography, generation of massive solid and liquid wastes to reach coal and thereby alters ecology and environment of the mining site as well...