为更清晰地理解coaching的含义,要把它和mentoring、training区别开来。虽然这⼏种⾏为没有明显的不同,仍然存在细微的差别: Coaching 在中⽂⾥多称“教练”,是指导他⼈为了某个特定的⽬标⽽制定计划,并⿎励学员有创意地克服障碍来完成计划; Training是由拥有特定专业技术的⼈来传递特定的课程...
While training and develop- ment programmes for teachers moving into these management roles are valuable, it is only through experience and time to establish their workplace position that principals can gain the leadership quali- ties that contribute towards increasing their level of expertise.Joanne ...
“chalk and talk.” Overstuffed rows of students were bored in these traditional classes, but worse—they weren’t learning. By training teachers on new, interactive methods and giving them the coaching and mentoring to keep it up, they’re creating more engaging classrooms an...
Coaching and Mentoring Training enables managers to build better relationships with their team members through continuous and guided learning. It is aimed for corporate employees who wish to develop their coaching or mentoring skills at any level of business. The primary aim is to give a clear insi...
This paper presents an analysis of coaching strategies used in the final stage of undergraduate programs for social workers and teachers for primary and preschool education in order to identify "best practice" of coaching and mentoring. To achieve this goal we used comparative analysis of models of...
Coaching&Mentoring 4 Contents Contents Preface6 1.Introduction8 1.1TheDifferencebetweenCoachingandMentoring8 1.2MentoringandCoachingasPerformanceManagement11 2.UnderstandingPoorPerformance13 2.1Introduction13 2.2CommonReasonsforPoorPerformance13 2.3MoreDiscussiononAttitudeProblems17 ...
Part 1, "Preparation for Mentor Training," includes (1) "From Master Teacher to Masterful Mentor," (2) "Assessing Your Coaching and Mentoring Aptitude," and (3) "Sizing up the Situation." Part 2, "Competency Training Modules," presents modules on eight competencies: "Understanding the ...
Although teaching, coaching, mentoring and counselling all share some key characteristics and skills, they are nonetheless quite different and it’s important to be aware of the differences. Teaching and Training Teaching and traininginvolve an expert teacher who imparts knowledge to their students. ...
Coaching and mentoring do overlap in terms of the benefit they can bring both the individual supported, and the organisation they work for. Here are some of the benefits common to both processes: Shared Individual Benefits Both techniques can significantlyimprove employee performance. ...
Issue 3 2017 Mentoring beginning teachers: professional learning for mentees and mentors Issue 2 2017 Issue 1 2017 Volume 5 Issue 4 2016 Issue 3 2016 Supporting the development and professional growth of middle space educational leaders through mentoring Issue 2 2016 Issue 1 2016 Volume 4 Is...