Online coaching courses to help you coach from top coaches in dozen of sports including football, basketball, tennis, baseball, softball, all on-demand.
Affordable electronic pitch calling system for coach-to-catcher and coach-to-player communication. Available for any size team and budget.
COACHPITCHSOFTBALL Coachpitchsoftballisforathleteswhohaveanadequateunderstandingofthegameandattempttothrow,catchandhit.Thislevelofplayisgearedfortheaverageteamthatdoesnothaveapitcherwhocanthrowstrikeswithanyconsistency. GENERALRULES A.Eachteamwillconsistof10players.Fifteenmaybeplacedontheroster.Noplayermayplayontwo...
Straight from the Michele Smith Gold Camps and Clinics, these drills are designed to give you all the tools you need to teach the entire range of offensive and defensive softball skills. With Michele's expert guidance and instruction, you'll coach your players to: ...
Softball Drills featuring Coach Stacy Iveson by sportvideos Views: 3300 $25 How to Officiate Basketball featuring Bob Scofield by sportvideos Views: 3981 $20 Baseball Hitting Drills featuring Coach Ray Birmingham by sportvideos Views: 6192 $20 Advanced Tennis featuring Coach Dick Gould...
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Compared to its fast pitch counterpart, slow pitch softball often gets overlooked in terms of technique. Yet there’s more to slow pitch pitching than simply lobbing a soft underhand toss toward a salivating slugger. Practicing certain pitching drills improves your accuracy and skill, helping dece...
A softball team's success on the field often comes down to how well they practice. Whether it's strategies for organizing a scrimmage to making the most of batting practice, here are drills and tips for ensuring your squad makes the most of their valuable practice time. ...
Here are some great baserunning drills from the eteamz community that fastpitch coaches can use to help players maximize their game awareness and increase their aggressiveness on the basepaths. Softball Tryout Scoring System Looking for a fair way to score your tryouts? Here's a comprehensive sy...
Who: All baseball & softball coaching age levels What: Teaches approach, philosophy, practice planning, drills, game management, communication skills, player development methods, and more. No other course compares. 5 Steps to Ultimate Baseball Coaching ExcellenceOrder Now High Tempo© Baseball Develop...