衍射峰,归属于Co 3O 4的(111)、(220)、(311)、(400)、(511)和(440)晶面(JCPDS ,PDF#42-1467),表明Co 3O 4/ZnO(x )-ZIF 样品中Co 以Co 3O 4形式存在[29]。在2θ为34.40°、47.59°、56.53°、62.70°和67.76°处出现的衍射峰,归属于ZnO 的(002)、(102)、(110)、(103)和(112...
X- ray powder diffraction (XRD) patterns (Fig. 1a) demonstrate that the samples have identical peaks, which can be perfectly indexed to a pure Co3O4 (JCPDS card no. 42-1467)14. The broader peak implies the small size of the obtained products. Figure 1b shows a general morphology of ...
As shown in Figure 2 (black line), the diffraction patterns of the bare Co3O4 NAs in the 2h range of 10–80u could be indexed to the cubic phase Co3O4 (JCPDS Card No. 42-1467). The three peaks marked by "#" belong to the Ti substrate. In contrast, besides the peaks from Co...
结果表明,水热法制备的Co 3O 4催化剂均为尖晶石结构,不同沉淀剂影响催化剂形貌、氧化还原性能和催化分解N 2O 活性;含有钠离子沉淀剂制备而得的催化剂活性高于其他催化剂,其促进了Co 3+到Co 2+的还原过程,影响了钴离子化学环境,提高了给电子能力,弱化了催化剂中的Co —O 键,加快了反应过程中氧空位的...
The peak at the lower energy of 529.8 eV iabwposlrfeomaiaCnoskoosglssosf3tiwOcba2ibie4a:t,1rothrse,ue,wdttswhphaweheilicbicatchihtrhnigavtdemrehieleneyaltg2yeyl9acp.epttTintrrcioohecamrneelgcbocoyhihxtnaaeyatrdrgta7gihecn8enetg0eoeir.evnl7iensecatterihtnlrcraegdsopynso7ipdfin9citi5...
3a. Besides the reflections from the Ti substrate, Co3O4 (Space group: Fd-3m, PDF#00-042-1467) was the only detectable crystalline phase before, during, and after electrochemical reac- tion conditions. Thus, the catalyst film essentially retained its Co3O4 structure under the entire ...