Additional parameters include the geometric shape of the electrodes themselves and the temperature of the ground electrode as it majorly determines the gas temperature in the discharge gap. The effect of discharge gap size, residence time and ground electrode temperature on CO2 conversion and ...
This consideration was important as the shaded Energies 2024, 17, 92 5 of 20 Table 2. Composition of flue gas from a thermal power plant and of wastewater in the cultivation. Composition of the Wastewater [26] Composition of the Flue Gas [29] Energies 2024, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW N-...
It is composed of a test chamber that includes CO2 gas source in the gas storage, a CO2 sensor node that is connected wirelessly to the terminal monitor using a Wi-Fi connection, and a CO2 probe connected wirelessly to the Testo 440 using a Bluetooth connection. During the calibration ...
Tahceartbwoonaotoutleigr atnindaatcotminsg aarsealibnikdeednttaoteachcaerlabtoingatloiglaignadnadccaocrtidnigngastoaabsiydne–nstyante ccohoerldaitninagtiolingamnoddaec.cTohrdeitnhgreteotainsyanto–msysnacreooprednitnaactoiorndminoatdeed. Tinhae tdhisrteoertiendaTtoBmP sararraenpgenmteancot.oTrdh...