The liquefaction process of CO2 rich feed stream includes the following steps:Compress the feed flow (1) from the initial pressure (C1, C2) to a first pressure greater than 30 bar to obtain the feed flow at the first temperatureThe i-th temperature below the first temperature is used to ...
[76] 康阿青. 固定高浓度CO2的微藻的培育与筛选[D]. 青岛: 青岛理工大学, 2010. [77] ARESTA M, DIBENEDETTO A, CARONE M, et al. Production of biodiesel from macroalgae by supercritical CO2 extraction and thermochemical liquefaction[...
In the process model, the waste LNG cold energy is recovered at the lean amine cooler in the CO2 capture process and each heat exchanger in the CO2 liquefaction process. Furthermore, for CO2 regeneration, the waste hot energy from NGCC is recovered at the stripper reboiler. The exergy and ...
2009, 60(增刊1): 100-105. CAO Wensheng, LU Xuesheng, LIN Wensheng, et al. Natural gas purification and liquefaction process of small-scale LNG project in skid-mounted package[J]. CIESC Jorunal, 2009, 60(suppl.1): 100-105.
However, previous literature mainly focused on the CO2 liquefaction process only. At the stage of LCO2 transportation by ship, the LCO2 cargo handling method needs to be considered during the voyage because the saturated temperature of LCO2 is −48.45 °C under 7 bar storage conditions and ...
[77] ARESTA M, DIBENEDETTO A, CARONE M, et al. Production of biodiesel from macroalgae by supercritical CO2 extraction and thermochemical liquefaction[J]. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2005, 3(3): 136-139. [78] 王博, 许胜超, 李雪霏, 等. 微藻提取脂质制取生物柴油的研究进展[J]. 化工新型...
( 图 8,表 4,参 14) 关键词:CO2 输送;液化;储存;密相输送;方案流程;HYSYS 模拟 中图分类号:TE832 文献标识码:A doi: 10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2016.10.007 HYSYS simulation and optimization of CO2 transmission, liquefaction and storage process WANG Die1, ZHANG Yindi1, YANG Jianping2, WU Lijuan1...
[77] ARESTA M, DIBENEDETTO A, CARONE M, et al. Production of biodiesel from macroalgae by supercritical CO2 extraction and thermochemical liquefaction[J]. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2005, 3(3): 136-139. [78] 王博, 许胜超, 李雪霏, 等. 微藻提取脂质制取生物柴油的研究进展[J]. 化工新型...
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