Wagener and Rochelle (2010) concluded that operating with multiple pressure levels reduces the energy requirement as “equivalent work” (including reboiler duty, pumping and heat exchangers) in 33.6 kJ/molCO2 captured, with an optimal lean loading of 0.375 mol/mol amine. Moreover, they...
It is noteworthy that interglacial MS levels during the early Pleistocene (99 ± 28) are generally lower than those during the last 800 ky (154 ± 28), and most of the MS values (78 ± 11) of our 1.7–1.5 Ma samples fall below the MS range (99–227) over the...
whereε(length × time−1) is the denudation rate,ρis rock density (mass × length−3), [OCpetro] is the OC concentration in rock (mass × mass−1) andχis the weathering intensity as the fraction of OCpetroweathered from rock. Weathering intensityχhas been shown to...
Average annual atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide (CO₂) reached a record high of 424.61 parts per million (ppm) in 2024. Monthly atmospheric CO₂ concentrations peaked that year in June, at 426.91 ppm. Human activities have caused CO₂ concentrations to soar Annual CO₂ concentrations...
Using ice cores drilled in Greenland and Antarctica, scientists havea pretty good recordof how the composition of Earth’s atmosphere has fluctuated over the last 800,000 years. That’s why scientists know carbon dioxide levels are higher than they’ve ever been in that amount of time. ...
Meanwhile, policymakers may consider enforcing stricter regulations on driving above set legal speed limits at 20 and 30 mph, given that this behavior has a much stronger influence on fuel consumption at lower speed levels. At the same time, this research has some limitations. First, compared to...
Those long-term increases in radial growth appear unrelated to historical disturbance levels for the region, to long-term changes in relevant climatic variables, or to productivity of sites sampled for the purpose of creating a time sequence of tree ring growth. It is still unclear what the ...
TiO2 nanostructured materials with different morphological and textural properties modified by using organic and inorganic compounds as photosensitizers (dye sensitization), coupling semiconductors of different energy levels or doping with metals or non-metals have been tested. This review presents contemporary...
A coupled climate-ice-sheet model is used to investigate the response of climate at the millennial time scale under several global warming long-term scenarios, stabilized at different levels ranging from 2 to 7 times the pre-industrial CO 2 level. The climate response is mainly analyzed in term...
We conclude that, on a global scale, no unexpected climate feedbacks operated during the warm Pliocene, and that predictions of equilibrium climate sensitivity (excluding long-term ice-albedo feedbacks) for our Pliocene-like future (with CO2 levels up to maximum Pliocene levels of 450 parts per ...