It is concluded that improving on apical sealing is better achieved by using 0.5 W on superpulsed on CW.Antonio L. PinheiroSergio B. MartorelliLasers in dentistry VI: Conference on lasers in dentistry, 23-24 January 2000, San Jose, California...
The Laser Raman Spectroscopy shows SO2 molecules can be encaged in both small and large cages in CO2 hydrate lattice and increase the stability of CO2 hydrates [237]. In contrast, those impurities that are less stable than CO2 hydrate shift the hydrate phase boundary to the higher pressure. ...
In the same way, NaOH is an ideal absorbent for carbon capture because its low cost, low toxicity, high accessibility [6], and, for instance, it has been industrially implemented in the SkyMine® process (Capitol Aggregates’ San Antonio cement plant in Texas), while yielding marketable ... OPEN Unveiling spatial variations in atmospheric CO2 sources: a case study of metropolitan area of Naples, Italy Roberto M. R. Di Martino 1*, Sergio Gurrieri 1, Antonio Paonita 1, Stefano Caliro 2 & Alessandro ...
The result showed a perfect concordance between both examiners and also, a non significant difference on the level of leakage in the two groups.Antonio L. PinheiroP.H. CavalcantiAldo BrugneraLasers in dentistry V: Conference on lasers in dentistry, 24-25 January 1999, San Jose, California...
CO2 laserdyspareuniapostpartum pelvic painperineal painobstetric injuriesPurpose: Pregnancy and childbirth, despite being physiological events, represent a very delicate period in a woman's life, because they expose to important vulvo-perineal traumas. The pelvic pain that follows each delivery, whether...
water separation process to obtain the initial enriched 15NH3, and then use this as the working module for further enrichment with the laser isotope separation method [16]. FigFuigruer4e. 4C. Comomppaarirsisoonn ...
Several laser-based analysers may also be applied in series. FTIR spectroscopy is another analytical technique that probably could be used, but at present it has not been tested by the authors. The technique is promising since it is capable of multi component analysis, and new components in ...
Antonio Montes, Antonio Cózar, Clara Pereyra and Enrique Martínez de la OssaDepartment of Chemical Engineering and Food Technology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Cadiz, International Excellence Agrifood Campus (CeiA3), Campus Universitario Río San Pedro, Puerto Real, 11510 Cadiz, Spain *...