Although healing was extremely delayed, it is important to emphasize that a satisfactory cosmetic response was obtained after 16 months.Svedman CAgner TEsmann JJournal of cosmetic and laser therapySvedman C, Agner T, Esmann J. Delayed healing after CO2 laser resurfacing. J Cos- met Laser Ther....
Effects of overlap and pass number in CO2 laser skin resurfacing: preliminary results of residual thermal damage, cell death, and wound healing Newer carbon-dioxide laser systems incorporating short pulse and scanning technology have been used effectively to resurface the skin. Although scarring is.....
1.Objective To study the clinical effectiveness ofCO2 laser skin resurfacingon the treatment of xanthelasma palpebrarum.目的观察CO2激光磨削术治疗睑黄瘤临床疗效。 3)Laser surgery激光手术 1.Resectable spectrum and wound healing of endoscopic CO_2 laser surgery for larynx in experimental animals;喉激光...
Lasers in surgery: Advanced characterization, therapeutics, and system VIII: Conference on lasers in surgery: Advanced characterization, therapeutics, and system, 24-25 January 1998, San Jose, CaliforniaThomsen S, Ellard J, Schwartz J, Nolan K. Chronology of healing events in pulsed CO2 laser ...
Laser resurfacing was also performed at days 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28 after closing the skin flaps. The healing time for the laser-resurfaced sites without flap elevation were compared to that of the skin flaps treated with the laser at days 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28. Twelve "skin flap"...
Accelerated wound healing with a dexpanthenol-containing ointment after fractional ablative CO2 laser resurfacing of photo-damaged skin in a randomized prospective clinical trialClinical trialfractional ablative CO2 laser therapyphoto-damaged skinwound healing...