emissions include gases from the burning of fossil fuels and cement manufacture, but excludes emissions from land use such as deforestation. The unit of measurement is kt (kiloton). Carbon dioxide emissions are often calculated and reported as elemental carbon. The were converted to actual carbon ...
CO2 Emissions of International Freight Transport and Offshoring: Measurement and Allocation. Ecological Economics 69, 1682-‐1694.Cadarso, M. A., Lopez, L. A., Gomez, N. and Tobarra, M. A. (2010). CO2 Emissions of International ...
单位二氧化碳减排specificreductioninCO2emissions 相对参考电厂,主体电厂加装燃烧后CO捕集装置后,单位产出下的CO排放净减少量。 22 注:排放减少量的度量是以电厂净发电量为基准进行标准化。 [来源:ISO27917:2017,定义3.2.8] 3.1.37 单位化学品消耗specificchemicalconsumption 捕集和压缩/液化每吨CO所消耗的化学品量。
emissions include gases from the burning of fossil fuels and cement manufacture, but excludes emissions from land use such as deforestation. The unit of measurement is kt (kiloton). Carbon dioxide emissions are often calculated and reported as elemental carbon. They are converted to actual carbon ...
The CO2 emission ranges related to each product that resulted in the Mcheck label rating were compared to those emitted by a car ride in the accompanying text to enhance participants' understanding of the “CO2 emissions per kilogram” unit of measurement (resembling the information about the ...
Variable code Data definition (Unit of measurement) Source of data LCO2 CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) World Bank (2022a) LGDP GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$) World Bank (2022a) LNUC Nuclear energy use (in Terawatt hours) British Petroleum (2022) LICT Technological innovation ...
Emissions and exposure to NOx, CO, CO2 and PM2.5 from a gas stove using reference and low-cost sensors 来自 国家科技图书文献中心 喜欢 0 阅读量: 13 作者:DA Jaffe,A Creekmore 摘要: ? 2024 Elsevier LtdGas stoves and cooking are significant sources of indoor pollution. Using a combination of...
but we can reject the null hypothesis of a unit root at the first difference. So, the variables (CO2emissions, GDP per capita, available energy, and employment) are integrated of order 1 − I(1). We proceed to test cointegration because all tests, under all assumptions, provide proo...
The measurements were performed as part of the project Indoor Chemical Human Emissions and Reactivity (ICHEAR), the purpose of which was to identify and measure the chemical emissions from humans, the associated OH (hydroxyl radical) reactivity and the affects of different personal and environmental...
This research used the ADF, DF-GLS, and P-P unit root tests to establish the series' integration order. Based on the empirical data from the DOLS estimate, a 1% increase in energy use would lead to a 0.09% rise in CO2 emissions and a 1.32% increase in economic growth. CO2 emissions...