in2023 Anewrecordhigh,butistherelight attheendofthetunnel? CO2Emissionsin2023 ExecutiveSummary •Globalenergy-relatedCO2emissionsgrewby1.1%in2023,increasing 410milliontonnes(Mt)toreachanewrecordhighof37.4billiontonnes (Gt).Thiscompareswithanincreaseof490Mtin2022(1.3%).Emissions ...
2023年二氧化碳排放量CO2Emissionsin2023 CO2 Emissions in 2023 A new record high, but is there light at the end of the tunnel? Emissions grew in 2023, but clean energy is limiting the growth Emissio
Global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels and industry totaled 37.01 billion metric tons (GtCO₂) in 2023. Emissions are projected to have risen 1.08 percent in 2024 to reach a record high of 37.41 GtCO₂. Since 1990, global CO₂ emissions have increased by more than 60 percent....
Energy consumption in the United States produced 4.8 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide (GtCO₂) in 2023 - a decrease of 2.7 percent from the previous year. U.S. CO₂ emissions from energy consumption have fallen by approximately 20 percent since 2005. Sources of emissions in the U.S...
1 Emissions increased by an additional 1.1 percent in 2023, largely due to the economic rebound and a further increase in fossil fuel consumption, with the energy crisis and high natural gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) prices in 2022 triggering an increased use of unabated coal as a ...
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Implementation of the BMW Group’s electrification strategy is a key driver for its continuing efforts to reduce fleet-wide emissions. In 2023, the company sold a total of 376,183 fully-electric vehicles worldwide – 74.4% more than in 2022. The BMW Group’s sales growth for...
Radiocarbon (14C) is a powerful tracer of fossil emissions because fossil fuels are entirely depleted in 14C, but observations of 14CO2 and especially 14CH4 in urban regions are sparse. We present the first observations of 14C in both methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in an urban area...
说明河流水体流经水库作用减缓了CO2释放.%For studying the CO2emissions of Hongshui River Longtan Reservoir, the underway sampling was carried out to continuously survey the Longtan Reservoir of Hongshui River using a professional water sampler in July 2016. The partial pressure of CO2(pCO2) a...
Except for that one problem. The cement-firing process not only consumes energy, but also releases significant amounts of CO2from the limestone. Consequently, the concrete industry is a major emitter of greenhouse gases and responsible for up to 9% of artificial greenhouse gas emissions worldwide...