Apple's GHG emission 2012-2023 Carbon dioxide emissions per capita in Poland 1990-2022 Carbon dioxide emissions per capita in the CEE region 2022 Carbon dioxide emissions per person in the U.S. 2022-2050 Projected CO₂ emissions from fuel combustion in the United Kingdom (UK) 2020-2040 Ann...
Global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from fossil fuels and industry increased by 2.2% per year on average between 2005 and 20151. Global emissions need to peak and decline rapidly to limit climate change to well below 2 °C of warming2,3, which is one of the goals of the Paris ...
Our results show that there is a difference between the short-term and the long-term results and that climate policy are more likely to affect emission over the long-term than over the short-term. Climate policies should therefore be aimed at a time horizon of at least 8 years and year-...
The total factor CO2emission performance of the overall industry declined by 1.85% per year during the study period; this decrease was mainly related to a lack in implementing technical changes. However, efficiency change showed a progressive trend. These findings indicate that to realize carbon ...
and that thefuel-efficiencyof new cars in the EU last year was 28% higher than it had been in 2000. ③The IEA reckons that, in America, where emissions ticked up slightly in 2014, vehicle-emission standards have prevented m...
The Chinese government has promised that its CO2 emissions will peak by 20304 and that it will achieve a 60%-65% reduction in its emission intensity (per GDP CO2 emissions) by 2030 compared with its 2005 level5. An accurate accounting of China’s CO2 emissions is the first step in ...
Description Identifies normalized emission consumption that is based on the number of occupants and is measured in tons CO2/occupant per year. Source Customer Focus Group, EPA, Architecture 2030, EO 13423 Measurement Average of total emissions for Total CO2e Equity Share Reporting CO2 Equity Share...
Description Identifies emission consumption that is measured in tons of carbon dioxide per year. Source Customer Focus Group, EPA, Architecture 2030, EO 13423 Measurement Sum of Total CO2e Equity Share Reporting Sum of CO2 Equity Share Reporting Sum of Travel Equity Share Reporting Sum of Waste Eq...
In 2018, emission of CO2 from fossil fuels were: Coal: 14.7 billion tons Oil: 12.4 billion tons Gas: 7.5 billion tons The main CO2-emitting sectors: Electricity and heat production: 49.0% Transport: 20.5% Manufacturing & construction industries: 20.0% Other sectors: 10,5% Top CO2-emitting ...