Weight of Emission Weight of Emission in KG Weight of Packaging or Unladen Container Weight of Packaging or Unladen Container in KG Weight of Packaging or Unladen Container on Stage Weight of Packaging or Unladen Container on Stage in KG Characteristics Meta Chains and Process Chains Va...
Compared to a Western Dietary pattern, the Mediterranean Diet in Spain would substantially reduce GHG emissions, land use and energy consumption, and lower extent water consumption [23]. Moreover, GHG emissions were lower for Mediterranean Diet pattern with a consistent emission 14.55% below to an...
Measure emissiones of CO2 per kWh of energy produced, or emissions in g/km of your car. Enter the kWh produced by a year the nation’s electricity mix.
间接C02排放indirectcarbondioxideemission 合成氨生产和辅助生产过程中外购电力、热力等二次能源所产生C02的排放。 3.4 单位排放量intensity-based emission 在统计周期内,生产单位产品所产生的直接COz排放和间接COz排放之和,单位为吨每N[(t/t)。 3.5 排放因子emissionfactors 对于某特定燃料和原料,根据统计分析确定的每...
The amount of carbon, hydrogen, and calorific values in the input fuel was measured using a calorimeter, elemental analyzer and proximate analyzer. For fuel analysis, the CO2 emission factor for Korean coal briquettes is 95,558 CO2 Kg/TJ. It is lower than the local anthracite CO2 emission ...
按照该计算方法, 国内某 2000 级高炉的工序 CO2 排放量为 1 185.9 kg/t 铁, 吨铁 CO2 排放量为 1 666.9 kg。 关键词: 高炉; 碳排放; 排放因子 中图分类号: F426.3 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1672−7207(2012)S1−0257−05 Discussion of calculation method of BF’s CO2 emission ZOU Zhong...
Our results show that present-day wind power plants have a lifetime emission intensity of 5.0-8.2 g CO2/kWh electricity, a range significantly lower than estimates in previous studies. Our estimate suggests that wind is currently the most desirable renewable energy in terms of minimizing CO2 ...
Effects of coal dust and temperature on CO2 emission in two soil types in Shanxi Province煤粉尘添加量与温度对山西省两种土壤碳释放规律的影响 土壤有机碳CO2释放土壤活性有机质山西省采用室内培养试验, 观测不同温度和不同煤粉尘用量条件下山西省电厂土和焦化厂土两种土壤的碳释放规律。结果表明, 室温(16~...
With this prospect, CO2 utilization in the short term should allow parallel production routes based on BPT, driven by emission-capture-utilization synergies. In this sense, production and conversion of synthesis gas (SYNGAS) exhibits the highest potential for medium term of commercial succes...
However, as the CO concentration in the top gas increases and the top gas required by the hot blast stove decreases, the CO 2 emission reduction at the output increases. When the CO 2 enrichment limit is reached, the CO 2 emission at the input increases by 530.97kg/(tHM), the CO 2 ...