Jones, Brian R.Dorsey, Michael J.AnesthesiologyJones BR, Dorsey MJ. Disposable end tidal CO2 detector: minimal CO2 requirements. Anesthesiology. 1989;71:A358.Jones BR, Dorsey MJ: Disposable end-tidal CO2 detector: minimal CO2 requirements. Anesthesiology 1989;71:A359....
Data point refers to the order of data collected on the detector. The red dotted line is the baseline used for fitting the spectrum. (For interpretation of the refer- ences to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Fig. A4. CANVEG ...
Sunlight scattered by these cloud then saturated the detector and made a repetition of the scan necessary. By moving further away we were able to perform a more rapid scanning of the plume area, reducing the chance of scattered sunlight interfering with the scan. of PTihsceiaCrOel2liD(IFAigL...
CO2monitors must be accurate and responsive, while also being ultra-small in size and attractively priced. Suppliers are meeting these requirements by shifting to photoacoustic detector types, which perform better in all these respects than earlier devices based on non-dispersive infra-red (NDIR) tec...
Enhanced ILDs rely on the resulting change in inductance due to the passage of a vehicle over the detector being distinct for different vehicle categories. To further assist with vehicle category classification, enhanced ILD data can be supplemented with axel count data (from pneumatic tubes or ...
Sunlight scattered by these cloud then saturated the detector and made a repetition of the scan necessary. By moving further away we were able to perform a more rapid scanning of the plume area, reducing the chance of scattered sunlight interfering with the scan. Figure 2 Near field static ...
Hfc-227ea FM200 Cabinet Type Automatic Fire Extinguishing System Novec1230 Fire Suppression Equipment Ig541 Fire Extinguishing System with 80L Fire Suppression Device FM200 Hanging Fire Extinguishing System Fire Automatic Suppression System FM200 Fire Extinguishing System 70L Flame Detector Fire Suppression Sys...
selected producers were logged using a radioactive tracer method, in which the flow rate of injected CO2 or produced fluid at different depths along wellbores can be measured by recording the time of released radioactive tracer flowing from the upstream detector A to the downstream detector B. ... OPEN New ground-based lidar enables volcanic CO2 flux measurements received: 08 May 2015 accepted: 30 July 2015 Published: 01 September 2015 Alessandro Aiuppa1,2, Luca Fiorani3, Simone Santoro1,4, Stefano Parracino4,5, Marcello Nuvoli3, Giovanni ...
The analyses were performed using an apparatus equipped with a CCD detector (Renishaw InVia). A laser (referred to as the red one) induced the material samples with a wavelength of 785 nm. After normalization of the G peak maximum to 1, in each spectrum was assigned the intensity and ...