美国:科学家表示,5月份,二氧化碳(CO2)浓度达到峰值,比工业化前水平高出50%以上,与大约400万年前的水平相当。 The team from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said that CO2 measured at NOAA’s Mauna Loa Atmospheric Baseline Observatory peaked for 2022 at 421 parts per million in May...
Even about 120,000 years ago, when the global surface temperature was as much as 5°C higher than now (Andersen et al. 2004), the atmos- pheric CO2 concentration derived from glacier data was only 240 ppmv (Petit et al. 1999)—that is, below the current level by some 130 ppmv. ...
J. et al. Sea-level and deep-sea-temperature variability over the past 5.3 million years. Nature 508, 477–482 (2014). Article Google Scholar Mudelsee, M. Ramp function regression: a tool for quantifying climate transitions. Computers Geosci. 26, 293–307 (2000). Article Google Scholar ...
However, palaeoclimate data have thus far been insufficient to provide a conclusive test of this prediction. Here we present atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) reconstructions based on multi-site boron-isotope records from the late Pliocene epoch (3.3 to 2.3 million years ago). We find that Earth...
29 November —Shipyard Takeover ‘Wasted’ £200Million Of Public Money|BBC 23 November—Former Airport Boss To Lead Ferguson Shipyard|BBC 21 November —Five Years Since Launch Of Ferry That’s Still Not In Service|STV News Photos of the launchon 21 November 2017 at Ferguson Marine, Port ...
410milliontonnes(Mt)toreachanewrecordhighof37.4billiontonnes (Gt).Thiscompareswithanincreaseof490Mtin2022(1.3%).Emissions fromcoalaccountedformorethan65%oftheincreasein2023. •Theglobalshortfallinhydropowergenerationduetodroughtsdroveup emissionsbyaround170Mt.Withoutthiseffect,emissionsfromtheglobal ...
to the projected atmospheric CO2concentration of 600–800 ppm at the end of the next century [6,67]. However, the atmosphere CO2concentration has covered a much wider range throughout geological time scales with an estimated value of 6000 ppm during the Paleozoic Era about 500 million yea...
Humans appeared on earth over 100 million years ago. Determine whether the following statement is true or false: Most inorganic carbon used by producers is found in the soil and not in the atmosphere. True or false? As the temperature of a substance increases, it expands...
These data show that the conversion of CO2 or CO2-derived C1 feedstocks into biobased plastics is technically feasible. But would it also be economically feasible? Providing the carbon and energy feedstock for microbial production of lactic acid from CO2-derived formate, as an example, replacing ...
A major evolutionary change occurred two million years ago. Africa's climate became extremely dry and, with the emergence of savannas, humans descended from the trees; it was an emergent property resulting from an abrupt climate change [55–63] and led to the emergence of Homo erectus. On ...