The energy requirement of such a system was reported to be between 10 and 15 kWh/kg LH2 (Krasae-in et al., 2010). The other players are Air Products, Air Liquide and Linde, who use the Claude cycle with H2 as the cycle fluid. Information about these technologies in the literature is...
SolarFuel-Alpha 5th site Switzerland, Rapperswil 2015 − 25 − no HSR-IET, HSR, Audi, Climeworks, Erdgas Obersee, Erdgas Regio [8], [48] RENERG2 Switzerland, Villigen 2013–2016 Cooled fluidized bed 100 − − PSI, EMPA, ETH Zurich, ZHAW, EPFL [48] CO2 conversion to Methane Pro...