[关键词]褐青色痣;Q 开关 1 064nm 激光;超脉冲 CO2 激光 [中图分类号]R730.57 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2014)11-0905-02 Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of super pluse CO2 laser combined with Q switch 1 064nm fractional laser treatment naevus fuscoceruleus, an...
[关键词]脂溢性角化病;Q 开关 755nm 翠绿宝石激光;CO2 点阵激光;色素沉着;色素减退 [中图分类号]R758.73+1 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2019)03-0080-03 Abstract: Objective This study was aimed to investigate the curative effects of Q switch 755nm emerald green gem laser and CO2 lattice...
Key words: seborrheic keratosis; 532nm laser with Q switch; superpulse CO2 laser: pain; pigment 脂溢性角化病是面部老化的重要标志,属于良性表皮增生性肿瘤的一种,多发生于老年人,亦可发生于30~40岁的人群,主要病理特点为明显分界的褐色斑块与疣状表面,影响美观[1-2]。超脉冲CO2激光为脂溢性角化病的常用疗...
结论:Q开关1 064nm激光联合超脉冲CO2激光治疗褐青色痣疗效确切,副作用小,安全性高。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of super pluse CO2 laser combined with Q switch 1 064nm fractional laser treatment naevus fuscoceruleus,and the application of laser technology in skin lesions ...
方法:采用Q开关倍频Nd:YAG激光和强脉冲光联合治疗雀斑,进行疗效观察,并与继往单纯采用Q开关激光治疗的病例进行疗效对比研究。 更多例句>> 补充资料:Q开关激光器 Q开关激光器|英语解释:Q-switchlaser 因为在非常短的时间里被激光照射(约7秒),所以不会产生热量,只是用光能量就能祛除目标物质。对褐4,疤痕,文身都很...