Ahead of the elections of Delhi-based Kangra Cooperative Bank, opposition candidates are accusing the bank management of keeping it in the family. The Himachal Pradesh Social Group Panel led by the outgoing Chairman Laxmi Das is the target of such accusations. The elections of the bank are sched...
A routing number is a 9 digit code for identifying a financial institution for the purpose of routing of checks (cheques), fund transfers, direct deposits, e-payments, online payments, and other payments to the correct bank branch. Routing numbers are also known as banking routing numbers, ro...
Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the Borrowers, Co-obligants and Guarantors (details mentioned in table) that the below described immovable property mortgaged/charged to Vardhaman (Mahila) Co-operative Urban Bank Ltd., the Symbolic possession of which has bee...
The Bank started functioning in very small rented premises at 'Jay Nivas' Maninagar Cross Road, Maningar Ahmedabad. Our effort since Day 1 has always been to provide a safe and secured banking experience to all of our customers. We feel proud to share our progress report with you in the ...
What a powerful plan of action for the upcoming year! Is there any kind of app or reminder opt in we can receive each week on our phone or email to remind us of the upcoming week of action? I think this would encourage more people act and stay on it throughout the year!
If a building-related issue goes beyond the friendly-conversation phase, it's a good idea to keep copies of any letters sent - as well as records of phone conversations - with the date, time, involved parties, and general thrust of the communication spelled out, in case the issue isn't...
and many of the premier buildings require one to have two to four times the value of the purchased apartment after closing. Other building boards may insist that one have two to three years of maintenance and mortgage payments in the bank. And, again, that should be the amount after all ...