Define CO OP. CO OP synonyms, CO OP pronunciation, CO OP translation, English dictionary definition of CO OP. an enclosure or cage: a chicken coop; a co-op: They bought their food at a co-op. Not to be confused with: coup – a brilliant stratagem; overtu
由于CO-OP的成功,2004年,两个主要研究人员HelenePolatajko和Angela Mandich出版了一本教科书(《Enabling occupation in children: The cognitiveorientation to daily occupational performance (CO-OP)》),详细介绍了专门针对在DCD儿童人群中使用CO-OP的理论基础和关键特征。自发表以来,一些同行评审的研究表明,CO-OP在...
经过一个半世纪的发展,英国合作社集团(The Co-operative Group,简称Co-op)这家由普通消费者共同拥有的企业,如今已成为英国第五大食品零售商,拥有超过2600家门店,会员数高达450万人。从自建航运线路、运营茶园,到推出自有品牌产品并实施公平贸易政策,合作社集团的每一步发展都承载着深刻的社会意义与商业智慧。 Co-op...
网络释义 co-op 显示所有例句 n. 1. 合作商店;合作社;合作性商业机构a cooperative shop/store, society or business 例句 释义: 全部,合作商店,合作社,合作性商业机构,合作公寓,带薪实习课程,合作模式 更多例句筛选 1. 'It is not a problem for the co-op or condo boards, ' he said. 'It is a pr...
The best co-op games around whether you want a co-op campaign or a hang space for your group chat.
We’re an old New England food co-op, one of the oldest, largest, and most successful co-ops in the country with locations in New Hampshire and Vermont.
Co-op的学期分为Study Term和Work Term。每个Work Term都需要写一篇2000-3000字的Report,还要评分。工作期间还要让老板给你写3次评语;延长毕业时间,没有暑假。一般学校要求做累计16个月以上的Co-op才能毕业,完成后会发你一个证书,所以比正常毕业要晚1到2年。拿加国Co-op最出名的两所学校举例,枫叶君采访了...
Socializing via the best co-op games can be one of the most rewarding ways to spend time with loved ones. Whether loading into one of the best FPS games, a racing game, or taking on survival games like Palworld with co op functionality, the beauty of co op gaming is that there are ...
CO-OP全称Cooperative Education Program,根据学校的具体要求,这类项目可能是强制的也可能是可选的,有的可以用来抵学分,通常是为期3到12个月的带薪全职工作/实习等。 CO-OP是一种将课堂教学和实践经验相结合的、从学校过渡到工作的好途径,有助于学生增加社会经验,提高就业率。很多国外大学都会设置这样的合作项目,它...
英[ˈkəʊ ˌɒp] n.合作商店;合作社;合作性商业机构 网络合作公寓;带薪实习课程;合作模式 复数:co-ops 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 co-op 显示所有例句 n. 1. 合作商店;合作社;合作性商业机构a cooperative shop/store, society or business...