α-Actinin is co-immunoprecipitated with FLAG-GNE in 293T-FG cells.Shira AmsiliHagit ZerStephan HinderlichSabine KrauseMichal BeckerCohenDaniel G. MacArthurKathryn N. NorthStella MitraniRosenbaum
The betagamma subunits of G proteins were coimmunoprecipitated with antibodies against various alpha subunits, and analyzed by silver stain and immunoblotting with conventional transfer procedure and membrane-blocking buffer containing 2% BSA. Multiple isoforms of gamma were coimmunoprecipitated with no sign...
PPP1R11, Sds22, and PP1γ2 from co-eluting fractions are reciprocally co-immunoprecipitated, and co-migrate by native PAGE.
(1998). Detection of a nuclear 60-kDa protein coimmunoprecipitated with human thioredoxin. In "Oxygen Homeostasis and its Dynamics" (Y. Ishimura. H., Shimada, and M. Suematsu, eds.), pp. 464-468. Springer-Verlag, Tokyo.
Confirm co-immunoprecipitated proteins as Nav1.2 interactors. Confirm N-linked glycopeptide structure with combined ETD/CID.Norelle C. WildburgerCheryl. F. LichtiMark R. EmmettCarol L. NilssonProceedings 61st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics: Minneapolis (US).June 9-13, 2013...
Phosphotyrosine-containing 120,000-dalton protein co-immunoprecipitated with pp60v-src from Rous sar- coma virus-transformed mammalian cells. Virology 151:86-99.Lau, A.F. (1986). Phosphotyrosine-containing 120,000-Dalton protein coimmunoprecipitates with pp60v-src from Rous Sarcoma Virus-trans- ...
Article Proteomics Analysis of Cellular Proteins Co-Immunoprecipitated with Nucleoprotein of Influenza A Virus (H7N9) Ningning Sun 1,:, Wanchun Sun 2,:, Shuiming Li 3, Jingbo Yang 1, Longfei Yang 1, Guihua Quan 1, Xiang Gao 1, Zijian Wang 1, Xin Cheng 1, Zehui Li 1, Qisheng Peng 2...
Proteomic analysis of Fasciola gigantica excretory and secretory products (FgESPs) co-immunoprecipitated using a time course of infected buffalo seraFasciola giganticaCo-immunoprecipitationexcretory and secretory productsInteractionLC-MS/MSscreeningIntroduction Widespread Fasciola gigantica infect...
P32 can be co-immunoprecipitated with mitochondrial RNase P protein.Hongjiang WuHong SunXuehai LiangWalt F. LimaStanley T. Crooke
Proteins co-immunoprecipitated with SGK-1 are involved in membrane trafficking.Ming ZhuGang WuYuXin LiJulia Kathrin StevensChaoXuan FanAnne SpangMengQiu Dong