\dots ,n\}\). SinceL-smoothness of a convex function is equivalent to\(\frac {1}{L}\)-cocoercivity of the gradient [2, Corollary 18.17], the smooth optimization problem in (1) can be recovered by settingRi= ∇fifor all\(i\...
Our method by-passes the co-coercivity condition and does not require any computation of the resolvent (or metric projection) operator. While incorporating the golden ratio technique, we prove weak, strong and R- R- Linear convergence of our method, and apply our result to solving the critical...
Co (111)-based system at room temperature, we investigated the voltage-induced coercivity (Hc) change of perpendicularly magnetized Pt/heavy metal/Co/CoO/amorphous TiOxstructures. The thin CoO layer in the structure was the result of the surface oxidation of Co. We observed a large voltage-...
The electroless Co-W-Zn-P film, about 3 脦录 in thickness, containing 1.2 atom % of W and 1.6 atom % of Zn gave high coercivity of 69 kA m1 and high corrosion resistance, three times that of Co-Zn-P films. XPS analysis indicated that an oxide of Co and WO3 were formed on, and...
The exchange bias blocking temperature distribution of naturally oxidized Co-CoO core-shell nanoparticles exhibits two distinct signatures. These are associated with the existence of two magnetic entities which are responsible for the temperature dependence of an exchange bias field. One is from the C...
Coercivity analysis of melt-spun Sm 2 ( Co , Fe , Cu , Zr ) 17Magnetic anisotropyHigh coercivity materialsMagnetic after effectsPrecipitation hardeningThe temperature dependence of magnetic properties of two types of melt-spun Sm 2(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr) 17 ribbon, initially subjected to different ...
Sm(Co, Al, Si)/Cr thin filmscoercivity H-canealingSm(Co, Al, Si)/Cr films have been prepared as one kind of promising materials. The interface exists a few of nanocrystalline grains, whereas other area is amorphous in the as-deposited state. After subsequent heat treatment, the amor...
crystalline structures, magnetic properties, and microstructures of (Sm0.80Zr0.20)8.6(Fe0.71Co0.20Ti0.08Cu0.01)91.4xBx (x = 0.8, 2.0, 5.0, and 8.0) melt-spun alloys with a ThMn12-type structure (1–12 phase) to achieve high saturation magnetization (μ0Ms) and large intrinsic coercivity (...
1) γ(x,y)-weak co-coercivity γ(x,y)-弱强制 2) weakly paracompactness of Y in X Y在X中弱仿紧 3) pick-up of X-Y system X-Y制拾声 4) Y is superregular in X Y在X中强正则 5) Y is strongly normal in X Y在X中强正规 ...
The exchange bias blocking temperature distribution of naturally oxidized Co-CoO core-shell nanoparticles exhibits two distinct signatures. These are associated with the existence of two magnetic entities which are responsible for the temperature dependence of an exchange bias field. One is from the CoO...