The meaning of COAUTHOR is one who collaborates with another person in authoring a literary or dramatic work, a document, a legislative bill, etc.. How to use coauthor in a sentence.
The meaning of COAUTHOR is one who collaborates with another person in authoring a literary or dramatic work, a document, a legislative bill, etc.. How to use coauthor in a sentence.
COAUTHOR meaning: someone who writes a book, article, etc., with another person
synonyms (1) Words with the same meaning coexist hypernyms (1) Words that are more generic or abstract author same context (10) Words that are found in similar contexts bekk cabin-door coauthor hell hisevangelist quarry-man says' screenwriter scriptwriter vice president Com...
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
Co-author Meaning A co-author is a researcher who has contributed significantly to a research paper, sharing responsibility for its content and findings. Co-authors collaborate to design experiments, analyze results, and contribute to the overall intellectual content of the paper. ...
Richards, I.~ACo-author of the "Meaning of Meaning"'. C.K. Ogden: a collective memoir, ed. By P. Sargant Florence and J.R.L. Anderson, 96-109. London: Pemberton.
I have a Microsft 365 account but use the desktop apps instead of the cloud-based ones. I have created an Excel document that I am trying to share with another employee who is also part of our Microsoft 365 account. This document is backed up to Onedrive and when I have tried sharing ...
The meaning of COAUTHOR is one who collaborates with another person in authoring a literary or dramatic work, a document, a legislative bill, etc.. How to use coauthor in a sentence.
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