pub,err:=co.SigVerifier.PublicKey(co.PKOpts...) iferr!=nil{ returnnil,err } returncryptoutils.MarshalPublicKeyToPEM(pub) } returncryptoutils.MarshalCertificateToPEM(cert) } . ThekeyByteslogic assumes that ifco.SigVerifier != nilwe must be verifying with a base public key and marshals th...
As a result expectedly manifests of the above-mentioned enhanced lithium storage advantages, properties. the prepared Co3O4 C@A NPs-NSs HNs electrode In conclusion, we report the synthesis of phous core/shell Co3O4 nanoparticles with a buinmiqoudealCsoiz3Oe d4 iCst@riAbuNtioPns-uNnSisfo...