Uczestnictwo ludnoci Polski w kulturze w czasie kryzysu zwizanego z pandemi COVID-19doi:10.15584/nsawg.2023.4.10The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the situation around the world, leading to a crisis in many areas of activity, including culture. Culture has a p...
In the paper, the authors discuss the first research effort to explore the transition from traditional teaching into distance teaching in Polish primary sc
“Przesłanki modyfikacji wybranych koncepcji ekonomicznych na skutek pandemii COVID-19” [“Proposed modifications to selected economic concepts following the COVID-19 pandemic”] [4], and by Maczyńska in the study, “Kryzysy jako impulsy zmian systemów społeczno-gospodarczych” [“...
Tygodnik Gospodarczy PIE 12: 7–9. [Google Scholar] Ampuja, Marko, Juha Koivisto, and Esa Väliverronen. 2014. Strong and Weak Forms of Mediatization Theory. A Critical Review. Nordicom Review 36: 111–23. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] Andok, Mónika, and Fanni Vígh....
The aim of this study was to determine the expectations of the inhabitants of south-eastern Poland in relation to the main trends emerging in the energy market, in a specific crisis situation resulting from the response to COVID-19. The time range of the research covered the period from Marc...