Nadoknadite to u nekom kasnijem trenutku Ako se uključite u sastanak u kojem je Copilot na više od pet minuta nakon pokretanja, prikazat će vam se obavijest da biste dobili sažetak.Odaberite Otvori Copiloti pričekajte da se sažetak popunjava na desnoj...
Omogućite transkripte za pozive u aplikaciji Teams tako da kada se Copilot za prodaju doda snimljenom sastanku servisa Teams, može generirati sažetak sastanka. Prijavite se u centarza administratore servisaTeams. U lijevom oknu odaberitePravila>sastanaka sastanaka. ...
Global warming and climate change, mainly caused by the emission of carbon dioxide, is becoming a serious problem, and it is imperative to develop efficient capture and utilization technologies for carbon dioxide and its derivatives one-carbon (C1) compounds. The use of CO2 and other C1 compounds...
Paradise Station's GitHub main repository. Contribute to Couls/Paradise development by creating an account on GitHub.
During the visit to the farm, no traces of contamination or color and structure alterations were found in the remaining bales, which were considered of good quality. Nevertheless, 12 random samples from the silage bales were collected along with 2 samples of drinking water from the tank and ...