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Do nástroje příkazového řádku byl přidán nový přepínač, který určuje, jestli se archivy kontrolují během kontrol na vyžádání. To se dá nakonfigurovat prostřednictvím mdatp config scan-archives --value [enabled/disabled]. Ve výchozím nastavení je toto ...
Deuterated acid leads to mixtures of the various isotopomers of CH4 but the ethane is CD3CH3. Possible mechanisms for hydrocarbon production are discussed.doi:10.1016/0022-328X(84)80464-7P.L.BogdanandK.H.WhitmireandJ.W.KolisandD.F.
Data (4602 points) were collected at room temperature using a variable scan rate, a 6-28 scan mode and a scan width of 1.2' below K,, and 1.2' above Kp2 to a maximum 28 value of 116O. The background was measured on each side of the scan for a...
OPTIMALISASI VAKSINASI COVID-19 DAN KEPATUHAN PROTOKOL KESEHATAN DI DESA KARANGPAWITAN, KABUPATEN GARUT, JAWA BARATdoi:10.24198/dharmakarya.v12i4.38615Vaccination achievement and public compliance with health protocols are the keys to successfully handling the Covid-19 ...
This Community Service, higher education requires a very active role in the application of the field of science and skills to provide knowledge to the public. This Community Service provide education about Covid-19 and how to prevent itu by online system (Zoom Application) to the congregation ...
This research aims to determine public perception and behavior after COVID-19 vaccination on application of health protocols in the Sub-district of Tuban. This research design used descriptive with cross sectional approach. Population in this research is the entire people in the ...