As it appears in practice, interpretation draws the reader's attention away from the actual literary piece, renders it subordinate to other, 'non-literary', domains of knowledge, with the result that literary studies undermine their own value, losing their separation and autonomy. The assumption ...
Bo prawda jest tylko jedna… tylko przedstawiana na różne sposoby. Polityka, literatura, historia, prawo. II Problemy teoretyczne i praktyczne. III System większościowy – JOW. IV System proporcjonalny z progiem zaporowym – metoda d’Honta. VII Symulacja funkcjonowania WOW. VIII...
The higher-order communication quality created in this way results from the integration of semantically different-code elements, which can be seen in the analytical part.Pick, MichaLiteratura i Kultura Popularna
{Baba, co w Pasyj pakaa} [{Old woman who cried during the Passion of Christ}], to change radically and extend the meaning of the anecdote which had earlier, as an exemplum, a fable or a jest, ridiculed the conceited clergymen by means of the ass symbolism of foolishness and musical ...