jest.preset.js fix(apps): automatically generated files Dec 26, 2023 lerna.json chore: some more improvements Jan 15, 2023 nest-cli.json chore: update Nest 9 to 10 Dec 24, 2023 nx.json chore: fix desktop app build Dec 27, 2023 okteto-pipeline.yml feat: integrate Okteto (WIP) Mar 11...
Profil gracza Możesz edytować własny pseudonim i obrazy profilowe oraz sprawdzać opcje: „Zbieranie postaci”, „Czas grania” oraz „Ulubione kategorie”. Znajdują się tu również misje, za które dostajemy jajka, z których wykluwają się postacie. Wyciszenie d...
Discord Chat For business inquiries: Please report security vulnerabilities to Gauzy Platform @ Twitter Gauzy Platform @ Facebook🔐 SecurityEver® Gauzy™ follows good security practices, but 100% security cannot be guaranteed in any software! Ever®...
Testing: RSpec, REST Client VScode Extention (client.http) - Rails, JEST - JavaScript Utilities:, Balsamiq Wireframes Project-management tools: Trello, Discord Server Gems & Dependencies Rails ~>6.1.6 - Rails is a server-side fullstack application framework. It provides an out of the...
To wszystko znajdziesz na naszym serwerze Discord. Dostęp jest bezpłatny i bez zobowiązań. ✅ Dołącz teraz do naszej społeczności! JavaScript: ECMAScript2015+ Trzeba przyznać, że standard ES2015, tj. ES6, wniósł do świata JavaScriptu bardzo dużo usprawnień....
CodeRabbit'sdocstrings featureis now available as part of ourEarly Access Program! Simply use the command@coderabbitai generate docstringsto have CodeRabbit automatically generate docstrings for your pull request. We would love to hear your feedback onDiscord. ...
[211Star][12d] [C++] hiitiger/gelectron gameoverlay solution for Electron, Qt and CEF, just like discord game overlay and steam game overlay, inject any app to overlay in your game [197Star][5y] [Py] offensivepython/pinject Raw Packet Injection tool [170Star][3y] [HTML] threatexpress/...
Visit our Documentation for detailed information on how to use CodeRabbit. Join our Discord Community to get help, request features, and share feedback. Follow us on X/Twitter for updates and announcements. gitguardian bot commented Jan 4, 2025 • edited ⚠️ GitGuardian has uncovered 1 ...
discord . Find a bug? Report it on the github issue board . Thank you for developing with Vuetify and I look forward to bringing more exciting features in the future. — John Leider Nuxt Documentation Nuxt
We would love to hear your feedback on Discord. Thank you for using CodeRabbit. We offer it for free to the OSS community and would appreciate your support in helping us grow. If you find it useful, would you consider giving us a shout-out on your favorite social media? ️ ...