Single Co atomsChemisorbed oxygenOxidation of Hg 0 to Hg 2+ is considered to be a promising method to remove Hg 0 from flue gas. Chemisorbed oxygen on catalyst surface is the main active site during Hg 0 oxidation process. Thus, how to efficiently activate gaseous oxygen forming more ...
标题:CoN1O2 Single-Atom Catalyst for Efficient Peroxymonosulfate Activation and Selective Cobalt(IV)=O Generation 第一作者:Xue Li 通讯作者:Mingce Long, Lizhi Zhang 通讯单位:华中师范大学、华中师范大学 研究内容 以过氧单硫酸盐(PMS)为基础的高级氧化工艺(AOPs)是降解水中顽固性有机污染物最有前途的技术...
计算出的电荷密度差分图揭示了Pt-CuO/CoAlO催化剂中存在从CoAlO到CuO的界面电子转移,这种电子转移增加了Pt活性位点的电子密度并增强了NO的吸附和活化。 Negatively Charged Single-Atom Pt Catalyst Shows Superior SO2 Tolerance in NOx Reduction by CO. ACS Catal., 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.2c04918....
在此,特别感谢大连化物所张涛院士团队的大力支持,特别是张涛院士,刘文刚同学和张磊磊博士。 声明:原文一直使用的是Single-atom dispersed Co-N-C catalyst,这里为了简便,直接翻译为单原子。实际上,Co是以Co-N-C的形式存在,自然不是零价的Co原子,说成单原子不是特别准确。 1. 背景 说起单原子催化,大家可能都不...
声明:原文一直使用的是Single-atom dispersed Co-N-C catalyst,这里为了简便,直接翻译为单原子。实际上,Co是以Co-N-C的形式存在,自然不是零价的Co原子,说成单原子不是特别准确。 1. 背景 说起单原子催化,大家可能都不陌生(参见...
atom efficiency, but making them is challenging. Here we report the synthesis of a single-atom catalyst that consists of only isolated single Pt atoms anchored to the surfaces of iron oxide nanocrystallites. This single-atom catalyst has extremely high atom efficiency and shows excellent stability...
Zimin Nie, Jian Liu, Deborah J. Myers, Piotr Zelenay, Guofeng Wang, Gang Wu, Vijay Ramani and Yuyan Shao. Performance enhancement and degradation mechanism identification of a single-atom Co–N–C catalyst for proton ...
R. et al. A single-Pt-atom-on-Ru-nanoparticle electrocatalyst for CO-resilient methanol oxidation. Nat. Catal. 5, 231–237 (2022). Article CAS Google Scholar Zhang, Z. et al. Single-atom catalyst for high-performance methanol oxidation. Nat. Commun. 12, 5235 (2021). Article CAS ADS...
总的来说,这项研究为合理设计基于SACs的异质结提供了一个新的策略,以通过界面偶联获得优越的光氧化还原活性。 Modulation of Charge Trapping by Island-like Single-Atom Cobalt Catalyst for Enhanced Photo-Fenton-Like Reaction. Advanced Functional Materials, 2023. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202208688...
Water-Mediated Mars−Van Krevelen Mechanism for CO Oxidation on Ceria-Supported Single-Atom Pt1 Catalyst 一、文章要点 1、主要的催化机理: Mars−van Krevelen (MvK) mechanism 2、催化过程: CO与解离水的羟基反应生成羧基中间体,该中间体随后在晶格羟基的帮助下分解生成CO2和水。