Adrian H. Healdgrid.451052.70000 0004 0581 2008Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Salford Royal HospitalThe Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust Salford UKFahmy F. W. Hannagrid.439752.e0000 0004 0489 5462Department of Diabetes and EndocrinologyUniversity Hospitals of North Midlands NHS ...
Compared to those with KD, children with MIS-C are older, have higher levels of systemic inflammation, myocardial injury and coagulop- athy markers and more lymphocytopenia and thrombocytopenia [23]. Moreover, the course of the dis- ease is usually worse, with higher complications and mortality...
The researchers contacted participants up to three times before coding them as missing (dropout). Participants were given a written debrief form explaining the study in further detail at the end of the T2 questionnaire, or at the point they decided to leave the study. Participants were offered ...
Jose R. Vargas-Rodriguez 1, José J. Valdés Aguayo 1, Idalia Garza-Veloz 1, Jacqueline Martinez-Rendon 1, Maria del Refugio Rocha Pizaña 2, Griselda A. Cabral-Pacheco 1, Vladimir Juárez-Alcalá 1and Margarita L. Martinez-Fierro