64 DQ-00064 电磁阀 SY7220-5DZD-02 PC 1 65 DQ-00065 电磁阀 SY5120-5LZD-C6 PC 1 66 DQ-00066 电磁阀 VFE3130-5T-02 PC 1 67 DQ-00067 电磁阀 VT307-4G1-02 PC 1 68 DQ-00068 电磁阀 VQ5300-51 PC 1 69 DQ-00069 电磁阀 SY3140-5LOZD-01 PC 1 70 DQ-00070 电磁阀 VO307...
The results indicated that the multifunctional hybrid micelles showed great potential in enhancing antitumor activity under image-guided and stepwise targeted chemotherapy.doi:10.1039/C7RA00597KShi, XiaojuLv, GuoyueSun, XiaodongCao, DianboWang, GuangyiChang, YuleiThe Royal Society of ChemistryRSC Advances...
Aplisens S.A. Shanghai HangOu Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. was established in 2006, and is specializing in the import of mechanical & electrical equipment spare parts, instruments and other products and brands of worldwide. These products are widely used in metallurgy, iron and ...
Aplisens S.A. Shanghai HangOu Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. was established in 2006, and is specializing in the import of mechanical & electrical equipment spare parts, instruments and other products and brands of worldwide. These products are widely used in metallurgy, iron and ...
Z Wen-Chen,L Hong-Gang,J Gu-Ming,H Lv.Spin-Hamiltonian parameters and local structures for Co4+ and Ir4+ impurity centers in the tetragonal phase of SrTiO3.Spectrochimica Acta. 2008Z Wen-Chen,L Hong-Gang,J Gu-Ming,H Lv.Spin-Hamiltonian parameters and local structures for Co4+ and ...
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