O PRIVIRE (COŞERIANĂ) ASUPRA SCHIMBĂRII LINGVISTICE, CU REFERIRE LA DA ŞI DLRIn the present study I aim to compare Sextil Pucariu's and Eugeniu Coeriu's approaches to semantic change. Similarities will be discussed, as well as a theoretical point on which the two scholars (...
Chapter 1Co je to social listening? V dokonalém obchodním světě by vznik nové firmy vypadal zhruba takto: procházíte se v parku a najednou, z ničeho nic, dostanete nápad. Naprosto skvělý nápad na dokonalý produkt. Pak ho jednoduše vytvoříte. A protože je to...
Hence, some problems arise when determining the meaning of derivatives with the meta-prefix deriving from the two terms. This article assesses several points of view on the definition of the meta-text-discourse.Rodica Mărioara Nagy