These data sources were linked using a deidentified version of the personal identification number received upon birth or immigration. Our study population included all Norwegian residents aged between 30 and 70 years old (i.e., working age individuals) on Jan 1st 2020, and who had their first ...
The last two years have been characterized by a considerable increase in the number of national and local regulations to contain and fight the spread of th
First, confirmed cases underestimate the number of deaths attributable to the pandemic. In particular, they do not account for false negatives or deaths on which no test has been carried out, either because testing material was lacking in hospital or simply because they occurred at home. ...
with multiple and longitudinal case studies in Argentina, Chile, France, and, mainly, New Zealand (Molina and Yoong2003; Dana and Granata2013; Dana et al.2013; Granata et al.2017; Felzensztein et al.2019; Crick et al.2020; Crick and Crick2021,2022). Another high number of ...
As personal data is any data relating to a natural person whose identity has been determined or determined, directly or indirectly, especially on the basis of an identity mark, the respondents were not asked for data such as name and surname and identification number (JMBG), data about the ...
Beginning in December 2019, the world faced a critical new public health stressor with the emergence of SARS-CoV-2. Its spread was extraordinarily rapid, and in a matter of weeks countries across the world were affected, notably in their ability to manag
Wijewickrema et al., BMC Infectious Diseases, doi:10.1186/s12879-024-09563-y Efficacy and safety of oral ivermectin in the treatment of mild to moderate Covid-19 patients: a multi-centre double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial 51% improved viral clearance (p=0.03). RCT 249 hospital...
Unclarified consumer needs, that leads to ‘wrong purchase’ (Haase and Lythje 2022)Companies’ application of product obsolescence strategies leads to lower consumers’ expectations for product lifetime (Cooper, 2004; Echegaray 2016)Emotional/ Epistemic/Mental book valueThe product purchase price is ...
The aim of our review was to systematically identify and discuss the progress of academic research into firm value in the air transport context, including how this has changed over time in terms of the number of papers focusing on the topic, the host (journals) for publication, and the most...
Each woman received a link to a web-based questionnaire using the Danish secure digital solution (e-boks) that allows contacts based on a unique personal identification number, assigned to all inhabitants at birth or first immigration [17]. A total of 30,009 pregnant women were invited to ...