在y ≤ 7的Na–CuCo-y催化剂中观察到了与面心立方(FCC)Co₀(JCPDS #15–0806)相关的峰,而六方密堆积(HCP)Co₀的存在仅在富Co的Na–CuCo-y催化剂(y ≤ 1)中被观察到。进一步检查发现,在双金属Na–CuCo-y催化剂(1 ≤ y ≤ 7)中,FCC Co₀(111)和HCP Co₀(100)的峰相...
图2 (A-C) 所示Co/Co2P@NPSC复合材料呈250-300nm的空心球状结构;根据图2(D) 所示的XRD图谱,在热裂解PZS涂覆的ZIF-67时得到的Co/Co2P@NPSC-1具有与单独热解ZIF-67得到的Co-NC相同的衍射峰,归因于金属钴(JCPDS No.15-0806)的 (111)、(200) 和(220) 特征峰衍射。但是进一步研究不同质量的ZIF-67和PZS...
(JCPDS No.15-0806);但是,与S500图谱相比,S650图谱中多出了心形标记的41.7°、42.4°、47.5°特征峰,分别对应(100)、(002)、(101)晶面的衍射,归于Co密排六方(hcp)晶体结构(JCPDS 05-0727) 这表明,S650图谱由Co的双晶型(fcc和hcp)构成 同时,与S500图谱相比,S650图谱中42.4°处的特征峰强度更大,也表明使...
The XRD of ZIF-67 is manifested in Fig.2a. The PXRD pattern of the as-synthesized ZIF-67 sample perfectly agreed with those reported previously in the literature (JCPDS card no: 62-1030)53, suggesting the successful preparation of the pure ZIF-67 phase. The peaks, which appeared at 7.2°...
(Alabiet al., 2020), 同时, Co/Al2O3、Co/M1A3-Spinel催化剂在2θ为51.5°和75.8°处有与金属钴Co相关的衍射峰(JCPDS 15-0806), 说明Al组分可提高催化剂还原性能.此外, 所有催化剂在2θ为36.6°处的峰归属为被掩盖的混合尖晶石(MgCo2O4、CoAl2O4、Co3O4)(Madduluriet al., 2018)衍射峰, 在...
15-0806, the micropillars fabricated in bath A were composed of the fcc Co-Ni phase. Those fabricated in baths B, C, and D are identified as a mixture of the fcc Co-Ni and bcc Co7Fe3 phases, according to JCPDS card no. 50-0795. In contrast to the intensity of characteristic ...
Besides, the other two diffraction peaks centred at 2θ of 44.22° and 51.52° correspond to the elemental Co (JCPDS 15-0806). In addition, the precursors of N-CNTs/Co and N-CNTs/Co3O4 as reference were also detected (Fig. S1 online), corresponding to the PDF cards of cobalt (JCPDS...
The only detected phase was cobalt (JCPDS no. 15-0806), which could be attributed to the solid solution of Al and W in cobalt (γ-Coss). No detrimental phases were recognized. Taking into account the high-temperature Co–Al–W system [2, 24], phases such as γ-Co, γ′-Co3(Al,...
step two That means the has little damage coanrbtohneiczaatriboonn.oEf xCc6eHp1t2oOf6gtraakpehsitpel,aaclel peaks in the XRD pattern of Co@C@PGC belong to Co (JCPDS 15-0806), which implies that the cobalt has been completely nations in air except oref dguracpedhitfero. mIt siu...
nAss of XRD shown peaks of Co-FCC (JCPDS in XRD pattern the strong #15-0806), diffraction peaks of 2θ values of 44.35°, 51.65° and 75.95° corresponding to (111), (200) and (220) crystal planes, respectively indicate formation of Co-FCC crystals moreover Co-HCP could be also ...