UNS R31538, a Co–Cr–Mo alloy for biomedical applications, was surface-engineered by LTNC (low-temperature nitro-carburization), leading to co-infusion of concentrated interstitially dissolved carbon and nitrogen. LTNC was performed by encapsulating the alloy together with solid urea in a silica ...
在本发明中,作为“生物用Co-Cr-Mo合金”,是将含有实质比例的铬(Cr)和钼(Mo)的钴(Co)制成基体的合金,对于这种合金可以举出在该领域中作为“超合金(super alloy)”而已知的组中所包含的合金。用语“超合金”通常是表示具有极高强度、优异的机械特性和耐腐蚀性的合金而使用的技术用语,代表性的超合金被认为具有...
1) Co-Cr-Mo alloy 钴络钼合金 1. The combination ofCo-Cr-Mo alloyand Ti_6Al_4V alloy is widely used as total hip prostheses. 浸泡实验表明,钴络钼合金为阳极,但电偶电流与其维钝电流相近,并无明显加速腐蚀效应;钛合金为阴极,受到保护。
IMPLANT Co-Cr-Mo ALLOYIMPLANT Co-Cr-Mo ALLOYProvided is a Co-Cr-Mo alloy having excellent mechanical properties including yield strength and tensile strength. The present invention is an implant Co-Cr-Mo alloy comprising, in mass%, more than 30% and 36% or less of Cr, 5 to 8% of Mo...
temperatureandCo—Cr-Moalloyporosity,atthesametimeonthelongitudinal·sectionperpendiculartotheCo—Cr—Mo alloy/ZrO2interfacethereisa1-2Umelementsdiffusionregion. Keywords:Co--sintering;Co··Cr--Moalloy;ZrO2;Interfacebendingstrength Co—Cr.Mo合金具有优异的力学性能和生物相容 ...
例句 释义: 全部,钴铬钼合金,钴铬铝合金,钴珞钼 更多例句筛选 1. Technological study on upper-pressure infiltration foundry of porous Co-Cr-Mo alloy 多孔钴铬钼合金的上压渗流铸造工艺研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Casting Co-Cr-Mo alloy for surgical implants 外科植入物用铸造钴铬钼合金 www.zftrans.com隐私...
1. Technological study on upper-pressure infiltration foundry of porous Co-Cr-Mo alloy; 多孔钴铬钼合金的上压渗流铸造工艺研究2) Co-Cr-Mo alloys 钴铬钼合金 1. Objective To investigate a kind of Co-Cr-Mo alloys used for both porcelain fused to metal (PFM) restorations and casting framework...
The strengthening of metallic biomaterials, such as Co–Cr–Mo and titanium alloys, is of crucial importance to the improvement of the durability of orthopedic implants. In the present study, we successfully developed a face-centered cubic (fcc) Co–Cr–Mo alloy with an extremely high yield str...
2) cobalt-chromium alloy 钴铬合金 1. Mechanical properties of laser welds of Fe-Cr-Mo magnetizable alloy andcobalt-chromium alloy; 激光焊接铁铬钼合金与钴铬合金的机械性能 2. Effect of porcelain bake cycles on oxide layer formed oncobalt-chromium alloysurface; ...
Co40CrNiMo精密合金的密度约为8.3g/cm³。该合金由钴(Co)、铬(Cr)、镍(Ni)和钼(Mo)等元素组成,具有优异的机械性能和耐腐蚀性。其高密度特性使其在高强度和抗腐蚀要求高的应用中非常适用, 引言 Co40CrNiMo精密合金是一种高性能合金,广泛应用于航空航天、能源和医疗等领域,因其出色的力学性能在不同温度下依旧...