since for m = 1 this formula is not reduced to any known formula for this case, theoretical research in probabilistic terms was undertaken to explain the cause of this discrepancy and to identify or derive an exact ic for the case under study. it was found that when cycle zero is formed...
thioureaIt's an affair of four: The study of nonlinear effects in the prolineâthiourea-catalyzed aldol reaction between acetone and aromatic aldehydes, together with NMR and ESI-MS experiments, shows that the main role of the thiourea co-catalyst is that of promoting both the ...
Abdel-Salam GM, Abdel-Hadi S, Thomas MM, Eid OM, Ali MM, Afifi HH: Gomez-Lopez-Hernandez syndrome versus rhombencephalosynapsis spectrum: A rare co-occurrence with bipartite parietal bone. Am J Med Genet; 2014, 164A:480-3.Abdel-Salam GMH, Abdel-Hadi S, Thomas MM, Eid OM, Ali MM,...
Caroline Lynch
The highest activities were found to be those of the 0.15% Pt/0.1 % Mn/Al_2O_3 and 0.15% Pt/0.1 % Ce/Al_2O_3 catalysts, over which a 100% conversion of CO was achieved at 204 ℃ and 209 ℃, respectively. The activity of 0.15% Pt/Al_2O_3, as well as that of the oxide...
Fourth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & Ninth COLLNET Meeting. Berlin (Germany), 28 July - 1 August, 2008.Félix DeMoyaAnegóA. Perianes-Rodriguez, C. Olmeda-Gomez, and F. de Moya-Anegon, "Detecting research groups in coauthorship networks",Fourth ...
G$oacute$mez, EP$eacute$rez-Castillejos, RVall$eacute$s, EJournal of Micromechanics and MicroengineeringJournal of Micromechanics & MicroengineeringDuch;M.Electrodeposited Co-Ni Alloys for MEMS.J Mi-cromech Microeng.2002Duch M, Esteve J, Gomez E, Perez-Castillejos R, Valles E (2002) ...
CoMordenite proved to be active and selective for both reactants while CuMordenite was so only when CH3OH was used. The redox properties of the solids could explain that behavior. Interestingly, the NO to N2 conversion started after the CH3OH conversion reached 100%. Experiments made without ...
Consistent with the level of coevolution evident from parasite adaptation to the host is the assumption that T. spiralis can exploit the hormonal microenvironments within the host =-=[8]-=-. This suggests a system of transregulation (term coined by us) in which the parasite exploits host ...
In this lecture given at the Congress of the German Sociological Society in November 2004 in Munchen in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the publication of the Max Weber's book "Protestant Ethic" the author put the question, what is the significance, if any, of Weber's comparative ...