coauthoredorco-authored;coauthoringorco-authoring … hecoauthoredlegislation … requiring the publication on the Internet of the cost of all federal contracts, grants, and congressional "earmarks,"…— Michael Tomasky aco-authoredbook coauthorship ...
The meaning of COAUTHOR is one who collaborates with another person in authoring a literary or dramatic work, a document, a legislative bill, etc.. How to use coauthor in a sentence.
The purpose of this study is to determine the psychological meaning of coauthorship for a group of scientists, based on the assumption that the meaning of a concept is related to experience on "how a person behaves in a situation, depending on what the situation signifies to him". The ...
Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun one of two or more verb (used with object) to write in joint authorship. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofcoauthor1 First recorded in 1860–65;co-+author Discover More
cryo-EM for protein structure determination (SPA), and MicroED for small molecule crystal form and structure characterization. Biortus’s service is highly recognized by clients with co-authorship in more than 10 publications in prestigious journals including Science, Cell, Cell Research, Nature Communi...
We examined the long-term impact of coauthorship with established, highly-cited scientists on the careers of junior researchers in four scientific disciplines. Here, using matched pair analysis, we find that junior researchers who coauthor work with top
cryo-EM for protein structure determination (SPA), and MicroED for small molecule crystal form and structure characterization. Biortus’s service is highly recognized by clients with co-authorship in more than 10 publications in prestigious journals including Science, Cell, Cell Research, Nature Communi...
Keeps track of coauthorship by who is in edit mode at the time. Can also manually add coauthors (e.g. when one person scribes the work of many) or remove coauthors (e.g. accidents or minor edits) Live previews of formatted message with ~1-second delay, after the data has round-tri...
The purpose of this study is to determine the semantic meaning of coauthorship for a group of scientists, based on the assumption that the meaning of a concept is related to experience on 'how a person behaves in a situation, depending on what that the situation signifies to him' (Os- go...
1. The term "coauthored" refers to a situation where two or more individuals have contributed to the creation of a written work, sharing the authorship credit equally or as specified.2. The pronunciation of "coauthored" is [ˌkəʊ ˈɔːθə...