Variation in Procedural Denials of Medicaid Eligibility Across States Before the COVID-19 Pandemicdoi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2023.3892Schpero, William L.Brahmbhatt, DikshaLiu, Michael X.Ndumele, Chima D.Chatterjee, PaulaJAMA Health Forum
Can Medicaid expansion prevent housing evictions? Health Aff. 2019;38(9):1451–15. /hlthaff.2018.05071. 80. Franzese PA. A place to call home: tenant blacklisting and the denial of opportunity. Fordham Urb LJ. 2018;45(3)
Increasing health care access is also associated with reduced eviction rates. Policies such as Medicaid expansion can offer permanent pathways to reduce and prevent eviction and associated poor health outcomes. One study found that California counties that expanded Medicaid through the Affordable Care Act...