In some countries, acceptance or rejection of the measures, including the progressive media, labeling vaccine dissent as sheer science denial (Bardon, 2021). Although the risk of being discriminated against for not being vaccinated was also high regardless of being vegan or not (Bor et al., ...
Consequently, communications during a crisis should take into consideration certain patterns that affect people’s behavior, such as uncertainty, anxiety, fear, panic, hopelessness, and denial (Addo et al., 2020,, 2019), in addition to positive ones such as coping, relief, and ...
The prevailing opinion commits the court to a holding that a tax upon gross sales, if laid upon a graduated basis, is always and inevitably a denial of the equal protection of the laws, no matter how slight the gradient or moderate the tax. In the view of the majority, the relation bet...
370/252 International Classes: H04L12/26 View Patent Images: Download PDF 20100008239 Related US Applications: 20050195840Method and system for preventing denial of service attacks in a networkSeptember, 2005Krapp et al. 20160286581A COMMUNICATION TERMINAL, A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, A COMMUNICATION CONTROL...
COVID-19 outbreak;pandemic;terror management theory;moral panic;Corriere della Sera;denial of death 1. Introduction Recent literature has emphasised how the global health system has developed sophisticated strategies to fight against infectious disease risks through formal and informal networks of organisati...