Polymerization of sodium styrene sulfonate (SSNa) onto the CNT-Init surface.Nikos, D. KoromilasGeorgia, Ch. LainiotiChrisostomi, GialeliDespoina, BarbouriKaterina, B. KouravelouNikos K., KaramanosGeorge A., VoyiatzisJoannis K., Kallitsis...
($check && report("CHECK", $type, $msg)) { our $clean = 0; our $cnt_chk++; return 1; } return 0; } sub check_absolute_file { my ($absolute, $herecurr) = @_; my $file = $absolute; ##print "absolute<$absolute>\n"; # See if any suffix of this path is a path within...
($check && report("CHECK", $type, $msg)) { our $clean = 0; our $cnt_chk++; return 1; } return 0; } sub check_absolute_file { my ($absolute, $herecurr) = @_; my $file = $absolute; ##print "absolute<$absolute>\n"; # See if any suffix of t...