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npm icns-react-app Repository Homepage Weekly Downloads 2 License MIT Unpacked Size 2.38 kB Last publish 2 years ago Collaborators Tryon RunKit
A javascript library for generating CoreDao Name Service (CNS) namehashes per spec. Available on NPM Installation npm install @cnsdomains/eth-ens-namehash -S Usage var namehash = require("@cnsdomains/eth-ens-namehash"); var hash = namehash.hash("foo.core"); // Also supports normalizing...
1. 1. The spider toxins NSTX-3 and JSTX-3 reversibly block excitatory nicotinic synaptic transmission from the cercal nerve of the cockroach to a giant interneuron. 2. 2. Axonal excitability and resting membrane resistance are not affected. 3. 3. Acetylchloline potentials are more quickly ...
(JSNP) to discuss the utility of biomarkers as tools to overcome issues of CNS drug development.The consensus statement from the working group aimed at creating more nuanced criteria for employing biomarkers as tools to overcome issues surrounding CNS drug development. To accomplish this, a reverse...
@dgswcns/cns-funnel 0.0.13•Public• Published2 years ago CNS Funnel 인덱스 페이지 처리 string 페이지 처리 Dependencies (2) react typescript Dev Dependencies (4) @types/react esbuild eslint prettier npm i@dgswcns/cns-funnel...
水中挥发酚的检测相对于其他的一些物质来说比较复杂。主要是因为水中的挥发酚在采集和检测过程中容易受到污染及干扰,从而导致测定结果不准确的情况发生。例如在采集水质样品时要检测是否有游离氯的存在,如果有就需要加入过量硫酸亚铁进行去除,另外采集后还要加入适量的药页面TDK信息 标题(Title) 22个字符 (一般不超过80字符) 中国新闻网|江苏 关键词(Keywords) 34个字符 (一般不超过100字符) cns,chinanews,jiangsu,nanking,news 简介(Description) 289个字符 (一般不超过200字符) 江苏新闻网是中国新闻社江苏分社主办的江苏主流新闻网站。江苏新闻网秉承...