CNN/utils.py/ Jump to 134 lines (113 sloc)3.99 KB RawBlame #coding=utf-8 """ Some useful functions and structures Author: Kaiqiang Duan (段凯强) Email: moonshile@foxmail.com """ importnumpy importitertools defconv2d(image,filter,border_mode='valid'): ...
如果mmcv库已安装,但问题仍未解决,可能是因为mmcv的版本中不包含mmcv.cnn.utils.weight_init模块。你可以通过以下命令查看当前安装的mmcv版本: bash pip show mmcv 然后,访问MMCV的GitHub仓库或官方文档,确认weight_init模块在当前版本中的位置。 查找模块位置变动: 根据GitHub上的讨论(如[@2@]中提到的),weight_in...
Hi, there, I am facing on a problem for missing one library. I checked the mmcv and found there is no sync_bn.py. Please let me know how to handle this. Thank you very much! Best, Mike Contributor Luca-WiehecommentedNov 23, 2024• ...
[1,1,1,1], fastrcnn中为[10,10,5,5]dx=rel_codes[:,0::4]/wx# 预测proposals的中心坐标x回归参数 ::4代表以4为间隔进行采样dy=rel_codes[:,1::4]/wy# 预测proposals的中心坐标y回归参数dw=rel_codes[:,2::4]/ww# 预测proposals的宽度回归参数dh=rel_codes[:,3::4]/wh# 预测proposals的...
运行Faster-RCNN时出现 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lib.utils.cython_bbox' 一、问题描述 二、解决流程 1、修改Faster-RCNN-TensorFlow-Python3\data/coco/PythonAPI/setup.py文件:在第15行加上 2、由于没有bbox.c和blob.py文件。所以要先在Faster-RCNN-TensorFlow...
Mask R-CNN Common utility functions and classes.Copyright (c) 2017 Matterport, Inc.Licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE for details) Written by Waleed Abdulla """ import sys import os import logging import math import random ...
源代码:https://github.com/jwyang/faster-rcnn.pytorch/tree/pytorch-1.0 学习内容: ./lib/datasets/ds_utils.py 一、unique_boxes()函数 defunique_boxes(boxes, scale=1.0):"""Return indices of unique boxes."""v= np.array([1, 1e3, 1e6, 1e9]) ...
源码地址:huangguojie880/Mask_RCNN def generate_pyramid_anchors(scales, ratios, feature_shapes, feature_strides, anchor_stride): """Generate anchors at different levels of a feature pyramid. Each scale is associated with a level of the pyramid, but each ratio is used in all levels of the py...
本blog为github上CharlesShang/TFFRCNN版源码解析系列代码笔记 个人学习笔记 本文作者疆 点击此处链接至博客园原文 1.im_list_to_blob(ims)函数 将多张图像构成的列表ims构造为blob作为网络的输入,blob的维度为(图像数量,max_shape[0]