The results revealed increased fibroblast adhesion at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 24 hours, increased fibroblast viability over the course of 5 days, as well as enhanced actin cytoskeleton organization on CCN2-loaded titania nanotubes surfaces compared to uncoated, unmodified counterparts. Therefore, ...
I've been at home quarantine for 13 days now. 我现在已经是隔离第13天了。 My health condition is like this: look, and I don't want to sit and lie down anymore. 看,这就是我现在的健康状况,我不想再坐着或躺着...
And even after all that, in just a few days, you'll need more sustenance.而且在短短几天内,你仍然需要更多的食物。Which involves dealing with everything all over again.所以你不得不从头再来处理所有这些问题。Ugh.啊。These problems aren't insurmountable.这些问...
We all have busy lives these days. For me, be it Baghdad or the anchor desk, I have a miserable diet, some bad former and current habits and my idea of exercise is walking to the car in the morning. 我们现在日子都过得很忙碌,对我来说.不管是在巴格达还是主播台,我的饮食习惯都很糟糕,...
Even though we will not be able to understand these features in human language, we will use them in the GAN. Deep Unsupervised learning for anomaly detection in options pricing. We will use one more feature - for every day we will add the price for 90-days call option on Goldman Sachs ...
But they gave us 365 days to split between all of us. 但是现在,我们要分一下这365天。 But January, 365 is not divisible by 12. 但一月,365不能被12整除。 You told us it would be equal! 你跟我们说过一定会保证公平的! Okay, yes, I didn't know...
These feature maps are then used to com- pute the descriptors (as slices through all maps at a specific pixel position) and to detect keypoints (as local maxima of the feature maps). As a result, the feature detector is tightly coupled with the feature d...
Donald Trump is continuing to prepare for his return to the White House, naming some new picks over the past few days for his administration. But most of the focus Monday has been on President Joe Biden pardoning of his son Hunter Biden, who faced sentencing this month for federal tax ...
“(T)hey haven’t been able to change their clothes; 45 days with the same clothes, no blankets, no mattress,” Lazzarini said, citing a father displaced with his wife and five children. CNN’s Mohammed Tawfeeq contributed reporting to this post. ...
“Under the President’s order today, the federal share for debris removal and emergency protective measures, including direct federal assistance, under the Public Assistance program has been increased to 100% of the total eligible costs for a continuous period of 30 days beginning June 24, 2021,...