CNN Prima News Become an IMDbPro member today Get contact & representation info Expand your network, find the right people for your projects, and land your next job. Take control & manage your IMDb page Showcase your work with Known For titles, demo reels, featured images, and more....
金十数据1月8日讯,捷克央行行长Aleš Michl最近认为,比特币是该国外汇储备的一种潜在的多样化策略,这突显出政府对加密货币作为一种储蓄技术的兴趣日益浓厚。在接受CNN Prima News采访时,Michl表示,他正在考虑收购“一些比特币”以实现多元化,这对该银行来说不算一笔重大投资。而央行委员会的成员Janis Aliapulios则...
作为捷克共和国两大商业电视广播公司之一,Prima 同意美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)开办捷克版的 CNN News。该频道被称为 CNN Prima News。为此,Prima 在该国建造了规模巨大且最现代化的电视工作室。森海塞尔在当地的国家合作伙伴 PANTER 为工作室配备了新推出的声音技术。 自2020 年 5 月开播以来,CNN Prima News 已...
CNNPrimaNews CNN Prima News是捷克新闻频道,隶属于FTV Prima集团。它与CNN国际商业频道合作,提供即时的捷克语新闻。该频道于2020年5月3日18时55分开始播出。 2020——Dnes 2020——Dnes Antena 3CNN Antena 3 CNN,前身为Antena 3,是Antena 3 S.A.旗下的罗马尼亚新闻频道,隶属于Intact Media Group。
How much do you want to bet that Jane Sanders walks, in spite of a strong prima face case of financial fraud? What ever happened to the Abedin/Weiner files on the confiscated computer? Why didn’t the FBI get a warrant for the DNC computers/servers when it was obvious some sort of ...
CNN Prima News[CZ] Distributor Edit page Staff Become a member to see staff information. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Clients Become a member to see clients information. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Affiliations Become a member to see affiliations information. ...
Become a member to see COMPANYmeter for CNN Prima News. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Contacts + Add Become a member to see contact information for CNN Prima News. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Filmography Staff Clients Affiliations Box Office Filmography Edit 3 titles Title Type All...
CNN Prima News Become an IMDbPro member today Get contact & representation info Expand your network, find the right people for your projects, and land your next job. Take control & manage your IMDb page Showcase your work with Known For titles, demo reels, featured images, and more....
CNNPrimaNews CNN Prima News是捷克新闻频道,隶属于FTV Prima集团。它与CNN国际商业频道合作,提供即时的捷克语新闻。该频道于2020年5月3日18时55分开始播出。 2020——Dnes 2020——Dnes Antena 3CNN Antena 3 CNN,前身为Antena 3,是Antena 3 S.A.旗下的罗马尼亚新闻频道,隶属于Intact Media Group。