The state previously declared that he was ineligible to run for president because of his alleged role in the January 6th attack on the U.S. capital building. 科罗拉多州此前宣布他没有资格竞选总统,因为他涉嫌参与了1月6日对美国国会大厦的袭击。
They called you a terrorist but they already use that for January 6th. 他们称你为恐怖分子,但他们已经在1月6日用过了。 In the old days, media would defend their peer's rights to say something they disagreed with. 在过去,媒体会捍卫同行发表他们不同意的言论的权利。 But now CNN claims that ...
The speech is being seen by many as a declaration of war with the President taking a hard line against the January 6th rioters. 这场演讲被许多人视为拜登对1月6日暴徒采取的强硬做法宣战。 "There's no place for political violence i...
CNN senior legal analyst and former federal prosecutor Elie Honig, former Republican Congressman who served on the House January 6th Select Committee Adam Kinzinger, and former US district court judge Shira Scheindlin with their take on the President's speech. Plus, CNN's MJ Lee takes us to a...
From election integrity to Jan. 6th to Ukraine, Trump was more than ready. What did he get right…and where was he wrong? Listen Up … •••• Watch this Episode of – Liberty Report: •••• This article(Trump Triumph And The Great CNN Smackdown!) was originally created...
Web casting from, pod casting on ITunes and now available at is CNN 10. I'm Carl Azuz presenting our last show of the year. After today, we're scheduled to be back on January 6th, 2020.
Shehab MA, Badarneh O, Al-Ayyoub M, Jararweh Y (2016) A supervised approach for multi-label classification of Arabic news articles. In 2016 7th international conference on computer science and information technology (CSIT) (pp. 1–6). IEEE Singh T, Kumari M (2016) Role of text pre-...
•ISIS Using Families as Human Shields; Scale of Kenyan Defeat to Al- Shabaab Kept Secret; Brazil Dealing with Multiple Crises before Summer Olympics; Trump to Reveal Details of January Veteran Donations; Cincinnati Zoo Stands by Decision to Kill Gorilla; Buddhist Temple Shields Tigers from Rescue...
Among those who chose to skip the latest Cuomo developments include CNN news anchors Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer, as well as MSNBC star Rachel Maddow, who has yet to even mention Cuomo over the past 10 weeks since his controversies began in late January, according to Grabien transcripts....