examples/detect-image.cpp and examples/detect-camera.cpp show how to use the library. The library was trained bylibfacedetection.train. How to use the code You can copy the files in directory src/ into your project, and compile them as the other files in your project. The source code is...
指定范围内微调(CNN有监督微调):为了使CNN适应新的任务(detection)和扭曲的候选框,论文中继续使用随机梯度下降法(SGD)在经过转换的候选框为输入的情况下训练CNN的参数。也就是在小规模的目标检测数据集上对CNN进行分类训练。 除了将原先CNN中ImageNet指定的1000-way分类层替换为(N+1)-way分类层以外,CNN结构的其它...
for directoryname, _, filenames in os.walk('/kaggle/input'): for filename in filenames: print(os.path.join(directoryname, filename)) 你写入当前目录的任何输出都会被存储。 下一步是为训练和测试数据的每个文件设置路径, train_zip_path = "../input/facial-keypoints-detection/training.zip" te...
Face detection in the wild is a challenging vision problem due to large variations and unpredictable ambiguities commonly existed in real world images. Whilst using hand-crafted features is generally problematic, introducing powerful but complex models is often computationally inefficient. Feature aggregation...
Factors in Finetuning Deep Model for Object Detection with Long-tail Distribution intro: CVPR 2016.rank 3rd for provided data and 2nd for external data on ILSVRC 2015 object detection project page: http://www.ee.cuhk.edu.hk/~wlouyang/projects/ImageNetFactors/CVPR16.html arxiv: http://arxiv...
简单来说,ImageNet 是用来图像分类的,目标一般 scale 比较大,而 object detection 数据集中的目标的 scale 跨度很大。在 ImageNet 这种大目标数据集上 预训练的特征,如果直接用在检测那些小目标,这些特征是不能很好地匹配和对齐的,效果并不会很好,这就是 domain-shift 造成的。这篇论文首先分析了小尺度与预训练...
The TCNN framework is a deep learning framework for object detection in videos. This framework was orginally designed for the ImageNet VID chellenge in ILSVRC2015. Citing T-CNN If you are using the T-CNN code in you project, please cite the following works. @inproceedings{kang2016object, Ti...
Window detection. 现在让我们假设有另一个描述单个对象的图像Q,即通过定义感兴趣对象的边界框进行剪裁。我们用q表示对应的MAC特征向量。在图像I的CNN激活X上定义的与q相似度最大的2D区域计算为 : (即将所有得到的区域特征向量R-MAC和整个卷积层输出的特征向量MAC根据等式4计算相似度,从中选出相似度最高的区域特征...
2.1 Data Augmentations based on basic image manipulations Geometric transformations 如果数据集潜在的...